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Summer School

The summer school spans three full days. The CRC 958 project leaders present current topics and concepts from their specific research field. New insights into the research of the collaborate research centre and the opportunity to get in contact with the scientists of other projects and fellow PhD students are important goals of our summer schools.

  • To prepare for the upcoming Retreat, the Summer School 2022 comprised a two-day Visual Science Communication course by Dr. Jernej Zupanc, Founder of Seyens Ltd. The course was designed to teach how to effectively communicate scientific ideas and results by applying best visual communication practices to improve scientific images, slides, and posters.

  • In November 2021, we started our Summer School with a Network Meeting where Scientific Illustrator and Structural Biologist Barth van Rossum Barth gave a fantastic presentation on the benefits of professional data presentation for creating successful publications and funding proposals.
    On the following two days we had a Graphic Design Course.
  • Due to the Corona pandemic situation we had no summer school in 2020. The doctoral candidates had the possibility to join a coaching for self-management in homeoffice in June 2020.
  • The 2019 Summer School started with a networking event in August and was followed by a course on "Agile and Classic Project Management" in November as second part.
  • In 2018, we took the opportunity to have a combined workshop and direct training in conference networking as Summer School.
  • The Summer School 2017 was held in September as two trainings and a Mini-Symposium:
    - Scientific & Academic Poster Presentation
    - Successful Slide Presentation
    - Mini-Symposium moderated by the trainer
  • The Summer School 2016 started with a guest talk by Prof. Dr. Joachim Heberle. He talked about "Good Scientific Practice and the German Research Ombudsman". The talk was followed by a meet-the-professor session.
    On the next two days we had parallel workshops: "Scientific Writing Training" and "Grant Application Training".
  • In 2015 we had 2 days of Summer School. On the first day, the new PIs of the SFB 958 presented their research focuses and on the second day the PhD students exhibited their work in talks and posters. The third day was held as a Career Options Day.
  • The Summer Schools 2013 and 2014 were combined with a retreat held in the format of poster presentation and a series of short talks.

Getting together, discussing their research: our PhD students during the poster presentations.


Image Credit: Johannes Schöneberg