PhD Fellowships
Funding of PhD fellowships is limited to a maximum of one year (third party funding), with an average of seven fellowships funded per year. Three of these fellowships are funded as core support from the Freie Universität Berlin (min. 6 month).
With the aid of these fellowships we intend to recruit excellent junior researchers to the institutions participating in this initiative, on both, the international and the national level. In addition, funding may be provided to students supporting newly established collaborations between individual projects.
Each fellow will be supervised by the respective project leader(s) and will gain access to the study program of the integrated RTG. However, the project leader(s) have to confirm the availability of a a regular PhD position after the initial funding period of the fellowship has expired.
During the last month of the fellowship the students have to prepare a progress report, which will be evaluated by the project leader(s) and a member of the steering committee of the RTG. Please use this form.
You can find the policy of fellowships here.
The informational leaflet can be downloaded here.
How to apply:
Please use this application form.
Moreover we need the following information / declarations:
- the personal details of the PhD student, the address he/she is registered at and the current address, bank data, university certificates with grades (CV would be the easiest way)
- description of the PhD project (one page max.)
- the filled and signed supervision agreement (for third party funded fellowships) or the supervision agreement from the PhD programme like Biomedical Sciences (see study program)
Please send all documents to the coordinator:
Dr. Sandra Keiper
Freie Universität Berlin
SFB 958 integriertes Graduiertenkolleg
Takustr. 6
14195 Berlin
or via e-mail: sandra.keiper[at]