Events 2019
SFB 958 Mini-Symposium
On August 21st 2019, we held a Mini-Symposium on the occasion of the SFB 958 funding extension being approved. In addition to the talks we had a Barbeque to celebrate.
- Annette Hammes (A09)
- Michael Krauss (A11)
- Francesca Bottanelli (A25)
- David Owald (A27)
SFB 958 Special Seminar
- Henrique von Gersdorff (Oregon Health & Science University Portland, USA)
"I know why the caged bird sings: Resurgent sodium currents in motor neurons"
- Carsten Duch (Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz)
“Distinct Presynaptic Functions of Drosophila Cav1 and Ca2 channels”