Events 2017
SFB 958 lecture (SFB colloquium series) and Special Seminars
- David Murray (MPI of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden)
„The intersection of proteins and membranes in cellular processes“
- Franz Hagen (TU München)
“Structure and functional dynamics of membrane proteins in a native environment”
- Sara Wickström (MPI Biology of Ageing, Köln)
“Mechanisms and mechanics of stem cell fate regulation”
- Wolfgang Schamel (Universität Freiburg)
“T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) function is controlled by a direct cholesterol-TCR interaction”
- Thomas Préat (Brain Plasticity Unit ESPCI-CNRS Paris, France)
“Energy metabolism gates long-term memory formation in Drosophila”
- Xuelin Lou (University of Madison,Wisconsin, USA)
“Dynamin function in exocytosis-endocytosis coupling and human diseases” (Retreat)
- Benjamin Cooper (MPI Exp.Medicine, Göttingen)
“Dissecting the Molecular Mechanisms of Vesicle Docking and Priming” (Retreat)
- David Perrais (Université Bordeaux, France)
“Visualizing the spatiotemporal dynamics of endocytosis and recycling in neuronal dendrites” (Retreat)
- Thomas Surrey (Francis Crick Institute, London, UK)
„Molecular mechanisms determining microtubule cytoskeleton architecture and dynamics“
- Junji Hu (Nankay University, Tianjin, China)
“Membrane fusion mediated by dynamin-like GTPases”
- Johann Danzl (IST, Wien, Österreich)
„Diffraction-unlimited optical imaging – a powerful tool for biology“
- Roland Knorr (MPI of Colloides and Interfaces, Potsdam)
“Organelles: membraneless, membranebound, or both?”
- Oren Schuldiner (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel)
„From genetics to system, and back: A systematic exploration of neuronal remodeling“SFB 958 Retreat
In 2017 the progress reports were again presented at our our Retreat. This time we went to the Seehotel Brandenburg an der Havel.
As guest speakers we invited Xuelin Lou, Benjamin Cooper and David Perrais to talk about their work.
The full program of the SFB 958 Retreat 2017 can be found here.