Registration Fees
The registration will be completed only after receiving your meeting fee.
300,00 EUR Early Registration (before December 31, 2013)
350,00 EUR Late Registration (before January 31, 2014)
Please register by completing the Online Registration Form.
Upon receipt of your registration, you will be sent a confirmation.
Symposium Book of Abstracts will be sent to you as E-Mail-attachment, the Program will be handed to you at the Symposium check-in counter upon your arrival.
Payment options
Payments are only possible via Bank Transfer.
Please transfer the fee to the following account:
Account Number: 512221303
Account Holder: Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Bank: Berliner Bank
Bank Code Number (BLZ): 10070848
Purpose: 210506/MaM2014, Your Family Name, Your First Name
IBAN: DE76100708480512221303