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Interdisciplinary Lecture Series

The interdisciplinary lecture series (ILS) cover methods and systems as well as their limitations. These lectures are designed to introduce PhD students from different backgrounds and disciplines into the scientific areas represented within the CRC (SFB) 958.

The series are held as a block on two days at the end of winter term and are regularly up-dated by newly arising topics.

The PhD students are asked to participate in the planning of the interdisciplinary lecure series.

The course for 2021 dealt with communication/presentation (oral & poster).

In 2020 we had a course "Programming with Python" for the spring term. Due to the Corona pandemic the course had to be stopped after 2 days.

In 2019, the ILS was held as a 3-days course in "Scientific Image Processing and Analysis".

2018 we had a statistics training. Here you can find the program.

In 2017 the ILS were held as a lecture day followed by two parallel practical courses.

In April 2016 we had our first SFB 958 Retreat with 4 international guests and a poster session. For this reason we did not have the interdisciplinary lecture series. Please visit our SFB 958 special seminar talks.

In 2015 we had a  statistics course as "interdisciplinary lecture series": 25. - 27.03.2015.

In February 2014 the Interdisciplinary lecture series were held as a "Workshop for Scientific Image Processing and Analysis".

Here you can find the programs of the interdisciplinary lecture series 2012 and 2013.